What is Visual Poetry you ask?
Well, it’s just something that came out of me in the night bursting at the seams. That’s what all art is…
You can try to storyboard it, plan it, think about it, and write about what you want it to be. But true art flows like the river and is constantly changing. If the water calls to you and you do not drink you have lost that river, that flow.
A *new* spring awaits each moment.
And each one brings you joy, laughter and tears.
The production of this female empowerment piece that I just created brought on a lot of emotion that I really did not expect.
The back story comes from India. My best friend used to go to boarding school there, and one day she was walking with her grandfather and she saw a helpless young girl getting raped. It never left her mind.. And when she told me the story
I cried ”’
| I felt Anger /
> Hopelessness <
. Fear
& Hatred
Let’s be honest, NONE of these emotions are great, and art is a beautiful vessel to help heal them all. So I always thank God (Tao, The Mother Goddess) when words spill forth in healing fashion.
I am simply a blank canvas and when the words burst from the seams like water flowing I accept them, I allow them to come and without force they flow sweet and steady
– Divine –
. Ever Changing River .
I thank thee,
( Deeply )
And my hope is to inspire other women to share their stories too
To become creators
To listen and be led
To heal and help others heal
I give you these simple ingredients, so that you too might create and commune with the powerful flow from which we all derive.

How to Create Your own Visual Poetry Short Film in 10 Steps
- Don’t think about it, just call up your girls and tell them to pick out a cute dress from their closet.
- Head to your backyard or free nature reserve nearby.
- Bring makeup with you and have some good old girl fun (no strict schedules or timelines once everyone is in place).
- Meditate and bless your session before you begin.
- Let go, and let God aka don’t overthink anything, just trust that this is good, art is healing, and through art you CAN help others heal too. YOU are worthy, loved, and lovable.
- Grab your phone, hold the cam steady (make sure it’s shooting in 4k) & press record.
- Find a random poem that you wrote long ago that’s been sitting around and shock yourself at how perfectly your words (that ARE meant to be shared) fit with the footage.
- Record yourself reciting the poem with fiery PASSION Babe
- Put it all together in imovie, or really any editing software
- Add music from a free music website like this one, or play any old instrument you have lying around- YOU GOT THIS
Remember to create badly while your ego yells resistance!
I learned this from The Artist Way, a lovely book by Julia Cameron.
Remember that all art is calling you to the river and waiting for you to drink. Allow the water to flow through you curiously, softly, sweetly & true.
Oh yah, here’s the final film babe💋
time for me to disappear