I Choose Love

2 minutes reading time

Even When it seems impossible I choose love. Even when someone does the unthinkable I choose love. Even if it’s from a distance I send love.

This has been a hard pill for me to swallow. Today’s lesson on being an artist is one that I def did not want to learn.

I had another artist approach me, she begged me to work with her after seeing some of my music videos

So I agreed and I told her that I would take some footage of her for her project if she allowed me to use the footage for mine. We had a verbal agreement.


So I went to the drawling board, location scouted at a beautiful mangrove in Gulfport, FL.. brought props and costumes. 

I took incredible footage. 

I got an email from this Bishhh that says she will not work with me or send me the footage because “You are not of God” 

Apparently  her inability to use the footage and find bravery caused her to self sabotage true art.  

So I sonned her with a quote from The War of Art.


The critic hates most that which (she) would have done herself but did not have the guts to do so.

Love is Speaking Your Truth

“The critic hates most that which she would have done herself but did not have the guts to do so.”

and then i added some more shitt

“A woman of God is a woman of her word. Art comes from -God handed you an opportunity and you trashed it and let it rot for 6 months. I try to bring light to something that God has given us and your jealously and arrogance creates a veil of ignorance for you. “

But the real lesson here is to have contracts, and download the footage in a shared folder to dropbox like right away. 

I was mistaken by having trust, and that just sucks, you want to have trust in humanity. 

but the reality is that about 1% of people in the world follow the artist path, and those who don’t will try to sabotage you. Protect yourself with legal paperwork, and contracts even if it feels un-conducive to the play.

If someone attacks you- use the ethics of spiritual warfare, and fight back- aka son a bishh.


Ps.. the film turned out Perfect

Love is letting Go..

Then chose love, send that person love because they are hurting more than you. Go back to the blank slate, and create with what you have. Show up for the Gods. & Kiss Your Babe.

One of my favorite love mediations on youtube is this one

anyway time for me to disappear.



I Choose Love

How do you choose love babe?

In The Name of the Moon

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