14:23 PM
A Dose of War & Art Steven Pressfield
Once upon a time, on my 24th birthday, I was brought a 6 pack of beer and a book called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.
What is this? I thought, and I threw the book into a dusty pile, gathering no knowledge from the tree which sought my attention!
Babe, come on, if something walks into your life, just say YES.
Okay okay.. I eventually picked it up, and it’s an effortless read. You could take a little pill dose of it every day- one page at a time!
I keep this little baby in my music studio and open it up when I feel Resistance creep into my sanctuary!
I say NO to the Resistance that rages within, and I create like a pro.
Oh, that devil, Resistance, it is no longer welcome in my body.
I feel at ease, and I am awoken to new pathways in my mind.
Rn, I’m on Book II: Combating Resistance, and I wanted to share this quote with YOU! Yes, you, no matter who you are, you are a flowering angel.
Anyway, are you ready 2..3..
Here it is:
“In my view, the amateur does not love the game enough. If (she) did. (she) would not pursue it as a sideline distinct from (her) “real” vocation.” _Steven Pressfield
Oh, btw I changed the “he” to “she” cause I’m a girl bitch.
—– las chicas gobiernan el mundo
Anyway, I really love this book and highly suggest you read it, especially if you are trolling through Instagram judging bitchez.
I mean 4 real get a life, go techno vegan and create your own world full of pink hearts and aliens or whatever you want really..
Another quote from Pressfield:
“If you find yourself criticizing other people, you’re probably doing it out of Resistance. When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own.”
And remember, babe, your own world is uniquely you, like seriously
If bitchez be copying yo shit, be proud of your authenticity and its ability to be contagious.
Hopefully, it inspires others to find their own contagious lovable self.
But don’t be stupid. Live in Tao- and fight when you have to.. Because some people are out there to get you, you must remain calm, aware, and ready to kick some ass.
Come at me bitch. I have a katana.
But most importantly, I am armed with words and rhymes, and the pen is mightier than the sword.
And luckily, when I got into some shit with other artists this past year, my snugs babe and I were armed with contracts. You can’t beat the American Legal System…
Please use it to your advantage. I am telling you that being an artist is hard, your family and your friends will question you, and others will try to take what’s yours.
You must be prepared to battle resistance from all sides.
You must reach up, down, and sideways for help.
You must rise above the noise and PLAY like a baby child.
You must always know that YOU are QUEEN.
Time for me to disappear.
“If you find yourself criticizing other people, you’re probably doing it out of resistance. When we see others beginning to live their authentic selves, it drives us crazy if we have not lived out our own.”
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Here is some more Magic from Scott Pressfield