I Am Honest

< 1 minutes reading time
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“About who I am.

As I exist in front of your eyes,

There is nothing to hide.

In the winter I shed my skin,

year after year

season to season

moment by moment

I am constantly growing, changing.

You cut me down,

and a leaf blooms up disrupting concrete.

We are a Mirror”


Whispered The Divine Mother



"The most important "key" is honesty: It is best to be a failure with who you are than successful as someone else."

I Am Honest.

Why do B*tchz B so Fake? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

In The Name of the Moon

Our ideas, stories, and voices become part and parcel to the way we move through the world. Become an author on Wildest Moon. Let's empower witches together ๐Ÿ˜‰

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