I Am Balanced

< 1 minutes reading time
be fearless like the wind

“I teeter .|. totter back and forth through my mind”

said the spirit in a body.

“To be balanced is to accept both the

Winter | Summer

Autumn | Spring

It is to be both

Darkness and Bright Light

the Moon & the Sun

It is to allow yourself to Contract and Expand,

to be both Yielding and Forceful,

Passive | Active

Responsive | Assertive

Receiving & Giving.


Whispered The Divine Mother

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.

I am balanced.

In The Name of the Moon

Our ideas, stories, and voices become part and parcel to the way we move through the world. Become an author on Wildest Moon. Let's empower witches together ๐Ÿ˜‰

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