I have decided to ghost social media.
I grew up and the world grew up with me but I never found social media important, I just wanted to be in the moment of the night. I posted from time to time but overall found it nauseating and boring.
When your heart tells you something, do you deny it?
I ask myself (and all of my sisters), what will become of us if we allow ourselves to be numbed with images and screens?
Technology is the tool I use to birth creations into being(editing, making music) but that same tool could also be the demise of my purpose?
| Why would I spend my time “hearting” images from the past when I am here now in the present moment? And when did “Hearting” become a verb to describe a button you tap?
| That is like, so cold babe. |
But what constitutes predictability?
What happened to adventure, what happened to talented playwrights and social movements that change history and actually include face to face interaction?
What happened to the beauty of coming across an old friend from afar and loving each other the same despite the changes?
And change is ultimately bound to happen, it is actually happening right now.
– are inching closer and closer towards your death as we speak.
What a life to balance. I am not sure any of us thought it would end up this way.
Is the art that we display to the world destruction?
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The Age of Avril Lavigne
It seems like yesterday that I was in the woods building forts and making home videos with my friends. And when Avirl Lavigne came out with “When You’re Gone” 13 years ago the hottest tech to date was flip phones and shitty hand-held digital cameras.
A little over a decade has gone by and now you can download an Ai GirlFriend.
& sorry if it comes off mean babe,
But I really don’t care
About your scrapbook display of getting married and having kids.
(the world is burning) while we post on instagram
Do you not feel the urgency in your bones?
I don’t have the right to tell anyone what to do, but I do know none of it is going to matter in the end. None of it is going to matter if we continue to live our lives the way we do.
ALERT |.|x|x|x|.| ALERT
Global Warming
is REAL.
Ghost Social Media: How Much Time do We Spend on Screens?
Screen time stats.
“In 2022, the average time spent on traditional media was 318 minutes, or six hours and 18 minutes, per day.”- Thanks Oberlo Robot Archive for enlightening the human beings.
Screen time stats.
Woah, 6 hours or more? That’s like a whole work day spent on looking at a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with your present moment! Dude seriously eat a carrot- go tech0-veg@n
I need to be constantly trying my best as a happy warrior on planet earth to save it and if my efforts truly do come from Tao, awareness, the universe then I know it will not be by mine hands and mine eyes on Instagram!
I would throw it all away just to have this planet. Please I am begging you to spend all of those hours that you do on a screen and instead sing to the waters, they must be healed. This is an interactive universe. This is science.
Do you not feel the urgency in your bones?
Global Warming
Sorry if I disconnect here.
Sorry if I disconnect here.
Robot Inputs IGNITE!!!
Input DIRECTION: “Poetic”
Input DIRECTION: “she decides to quit social media”

CYBORG EXTENSIONS: I am one with Jasper Ai
She had decided it was time. Time to take a break from the digital world and all its noise, for she felt like finally being free. She wanted to be able to live her life without feeling the need to post about every little thing that happened in her day-to-day existence.
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With a deep breath, she opened up all of her social media accounts one by one and began deleting them, starting with Instagram and then Facebook and Twitter after that. It brought on a wave of mixed emotions as each account disappeared; sadness at leaving behind so many connections but also relief knowing that soon, she would no longer feel obligated to post or check in constantly.
The final step was switching off notifications on her phone – no more interrupting buzzes telling her what other people were doing – freeing her further still from their lives while allowing hers to unfold naturally once again.
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The days that followed seemed strangely quiet yet full of possibility; suddenly there were hours upon hours of spare time where before there had been none and so much room for creativity! Now liberated from the trappings of modern society’s expectations, she could explore passions both old and new without fear or judgment. In short: it felt amazing!
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For those who knew what was happening around them, they saw an incredible transformation taking place; suddenly this young woman was living life unencumbered by technology – something which is often taken for granted these days but has immense power over us if we let it consume us completely…
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Ai sure does know how to tap into all of your desires babe.
time 4 me to dissapear
4 real tho.