I Respect My Emotions

< 1 minutes reading time
be fearless like the wind

The Spirit in a body was on a path

covered in blood,

dirt, and fire.

She traveled down into Hades

and on the 7th day her body dispersedย 

and merged with Pluto.

She arose out of the underworld

birthed anew.ย 

[Tap inscription left>|<right]

“Whatever it is that you feel is right

there is no such distortion at play.

If you are angry,

there is a purpose for your anger.

If you are sad,

there is a meaning behind your sorrow.

Emotions are a road map that lead you forward.


to the invitation

initiate .โ–ณ.

set boundaries.

feed the fuel that drives you forward.


to the demands

of your soul & be


by the B**chz that set you aflame.


Whispered The Divine Mother


The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.

I Respect My Emotions

How do you combat the strong "misery loves company"? ๐Ÿ’‹

In The Name of the Moon

Our ideas, stories, and voices become part and parcel to the way we move through the world. Become an author on Wildest Moon. Let's empower witches together ๐Ÿ˜‰

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